New User Setup

ProjectWise is a document management system licensed by Bentley Systems, Inc. HDR makes ProjectWise available by invitation only. If you are interested in using ProjectWise to collaborate with HDR, please contact your HDR project manager. If ProjectWise is being used for your project, the HDR project manager will be able to submit a request to have a user account created for you. If you already use Bentley software, no additional licensing should be required.

If you already have your login information, continue below to Step 2.

Step 1 – Obtain your account ID and password by contacting your HDR project manager.

You will receive your user account/login information from Please be sure to add this email address to your safe senders list to avoid any delays in receiving your login information. Once you have login information, there are 2 options for licensing. For those with existing Bentley Software please make sure your HDR contact is aware to avoid double payment of software. For those without a Bentley Software License contact Bentley for a Connections Passport License (1-800-BENTLEY or 1-610-458-5000 and ask for “Sales”). When you have license please make your HDR contact aware. Once licensing is in place please proceed to step 2.

Step 2 – Download and Read the Installation/Configuration Instructions

Follow the instructions carefully. Step 4 is very important, because it explains how to enter the Network Configuration Settings for the particular datasource(s) you’ve been granted access to.

  • HDR ProjectWise Installation Instructions (PDF, 234 KB)
Step 3 – Download the Software

Note: HDR’s default release for external use is ProjectWise Explorer Version If you have a compatible version of ProjectWise already installed on your computer, you may configure and use it to access our system (by following step 4 in the instructions).

If your company is using V8i Select Series 4 or an older version of PW, please contact us for plugin files to enable integration with older Autodesk versions if needed.

Step 4 – Download the Usage Information
Step 5 – Verify Installation and Configuration

Your ProjectWise installation is working properly if:

1) ProjectWise Explorer opens and lists HDR datasources.
2) You can login to your datasource(s).
3) You are able to check out and open files.

If you cannot get this far, refer to Contact Us